
五月十三日下午一时 将有一千名各族裔社区领袖共同在德州休斯敦芳庭莱会议中心站台 為【德州多族裔联合阵线】之诞生表示祝贺 并将為包括非裔 拉丁裔 华亚裔 欧裔之团结写下歷史之新页
经过近半年之筹备 德州多族裔联盟首次之群眾大会将有两项主要诉求 其中包括坚决反对德州议会提出之147 法案及反对州政府接管休士顿教育学区 参加抗议的千位代表来自近六十个社会团体及社区领袖代表 首次聚集在同一平台上发声
目前在全美各地仍然有一股反华亚裔之潮流在蔓延之中 尤其是在美国国会及州议会中 那些反中之议会代表们把反中之情绪转嫁到反华亚裔头上这对於我们种族和谐是极大之影响
我们要非常感谢国会议员格林 宗教领袖 拉丁裔政治联盟在此时此刻伸出援手 為我们来伸张正义 反对歧视 这将是我们有史以来首次之族裔大团结
【德州多族裔联合阵线】将是一个永久而且是非营利之社会团体 将继续為我们应有之公民权益继续奋斗
We Are Working Together To Create A New Chapter In History
At 1:00 pm on May 13th, one thousand community leaders representing all ethnicities will jointly commemorate the birth of the Texas Multi-Culture Advocacy Coalition at the Fountain Of Life Center in Houston, Texas, and will thereby write a new chapter in history by publicly establishing the unity of Afro, Latino, Chinese Asians and European communities.
After nearly one-half year of preparation, the first rally will have two key demands including resolutely opposing Texas House Bill 147 and opposing the state government's takeover of the HISD school district. The representatives from nearly sixty social groups and community leaders will get together on the same platform.
At the present time, there is still a growing trend of anti-China sentiment spreading all over the United States, especially in the U.S. Congress as well as in local legislatures. This sentiment has a great and deep-seated impact on our community's racial harmony.
We would like to thank our political, religious and community leaders for helping us uphold justice and oppose racial discrimination. This will be our first great step toward ethnic unity in our history.
The Texas Multi-Culture Advocacy Coalition will be a permanent and non-profit organization that will continue to fight for the shared interests of all our diverse people.