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社评0525 亚裔社区人士接受表扬

社评0525  亚裔社区人士接受表扬


為了庆祝每年五月份的美国亚裔及太平洋𡷊族裔月, 在週二的休斯敦市议会上公开表扬各族裔人士并颁发奖状。

在奖状中表述「休斯敦市政府非常推崇你们对社区之极大贡献 ,尤其是在我们庆祝亚太及太平洋岛族裔月之时, 你们是这个国家的主力, 对於你们在社区之服务表示高度讃赏, 俗语说, 成功不是来自一时, 而是不停的努力, 我们在此向各位致敬。」

这项由市议员柯伯提出之表扬案, 包括有媒体、 医疗、 餐饮及社工各界人士数十人, 这也代表了亚太裔近年来对社会贡献之肯定, 市长特纳特别提到西南亚洲城及国际区所造就之经济繁荣是本市之楷模。

休斯敦近年来被认定為全美各族裔最多之大城, 而且来自各地及不同国家之移民在不断增加,是新移民之首选。

当天受奖之市民还包括希望诊所员工、 市议员谭秋晴等近三十人。

Houston’s Asian American  Pacific Islanders Receive Praise

Today we proudly celebrate “Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.” Community members were publicly praised and awarded an official proclamation from the city at Houston City Hall on Tuesday. 

The words on the proclamation stated that, “The City of Houston recognizes you for your tremendous support and contribution to the community. There is no better time than the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month to acknowledge that you are a true champion in this great city that we all love. A famous quote goes like this: 'Success doesn’t come  from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.' When you take care of your personal needs, you will be rewarded beyond your greatest expectations.' The City of Houston is very proud of you and we salute you on this special day.”

The proclamation was sponsored  by city councilman Michael Kubosh and has been given to people from all walks of life including the areas of media, medcine, restaurants and social work.

Past award recipients have included Hope Clinic, Rogene Calvert, Alice Chan and many business owners.

Mayor Turner also awarded recognitions to many city employees and praised the Asian community for making great contributions to our city.