社评0530 為亚太裔美国歷史和文化国家博物馆喝采

--- 贺董继玲会长出任筹备会委员
由华裔国会议员孟昭文代表提出之H.R.3525案,旨在提案成立亚太裔美国歷史和文化国家博物馆。 此提案已经初步完成成立专案小组研究其可行性, 本月中旬在由八人组成之成员中,全美亚裔总会总裁董继玲受命出任委员,参与今后之筹馆工作。
该委员会是由跨党派之社会领袖组成,分别由参议院多数党领袖,眾议院议长,参议院少数党领袖和眾议院少数党领袖分别任命二位代表, 目的是向国会提出建馆之可行性报告。
董会长是接受参议院少数党领袖麦康诺任命出任此要职,也彰显她多年来对亚太裔及美国社会之贡献。 她所主持之工作在於促进少数族裔小企业之发展,在全美一百二十多个亚裔商会建立联盟和政府及大企业合作共同促进全国经济发展。二十多年来, 由她主导的国际领袖基金会更培训无数青年领袖参与主流政商活动, 此次出任筹备会委员, 诚属实至名归, 我们在此表示热烈祝贺。
今天我们正在接受社会及政客们对华亚裔之严峻挑战, 自新冠病情以来, 由於政客之私利,华裔成為牺牲品。 近年来在各地掀起之反华亚裔仇视及禁止中国人购买土地法案, 简直是项违反宪法及反华之行径。 因此, 我们也在德克萨斯州联合非裔 、拉丁裔、 亚裔, 成立了多元文化族裔大联盟 ,奋力保障我们的权益。
我们欣见国会同意成立亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民歷史国家博物馆, 我们期盼所有筹备委员能够到全国五十州实地走访 ,把我们在地方上所做之贡献载入史册, 移民以血泪打造之社区繁荣和贡献得到认证和表彰, 因為我们都共同热爱这块土地。
We Congratulate The Formation Of The National Museum Of APA History And Culture
U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell has appointed Chiling Tong/President/CEO at National Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ACE) as a member of the commission to study the potential creation of the National Museum Of Asian Pacific American History And Culture.
The commission was originally introduced as a bill by U.S. Representative Grace Meng and signed into law in June of 2022. The commission is responsible for submitting a report with recommendation to the President and Congress on the creation of the Museum.
Our leader Chiling Tong was appointed to this important position by U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell which also demonstrated her leadership and contribution to the AAPI community over the years.
As Chief Executive Officer and President of AAPI Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship representing the interests of 2.65 million Asian American Islanders, she is connected to more than 120 chambers across the country to advocate for AAPI business.
Tong also is the founding president of International Leadership Foundation, a nonprofit organization that has promoted leadership among young college students since 2000.
Today we have to admit that our community is facing severe challenges. Since the coronavirus days, our Chinese Asian community has become a victim of hatred even to the point where some states are now even prohibiting Chinese citizens from buying land. Recently in Texas, we formed the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition which includes the Latino, African American and Asian communities to strive to protect our rights.
We are pleased to see that the U.S. Congress has agreed to establish the museum and record the true history. The prosperity and contributions created by newcomers and immigrants with blood and tears continues. We all love this land.