社评 0608 美南国际贸易中心新挑战及机遇

二十载岁月匆逝, 国际贸易中心正面临未来之挑战 ,也是一项歷史之机遇。对我们而言, 这个国际平台誏美南新闻真正走进了国际舞台, 也是我们对美国社会贡献一份心力。
按照今年之规划 ,国际贸易中心在全球各地之参访活动将包括首都华盛顿、 墨西哥、 新加坡、 越南及台北及非洲几内亚等地之招商会, 以促进世界各地和德州之交流 ,推广项目将包括医疗產业、 地產投资、 基建工程、 文化教育、 电讯工程及农业產品。
今天我们在环球第一银行总部接待了来自墨西哥之访客, 并已接受墨方之邀请, 定於八月上旬前往墨西哥考察, 帮助有意无意前往投资之商家进行对接 。墨西哥和美国有冗长之交接綫, 目前是许多国家对美国输出之跳板 ,已有大批亚裔厰商到墨西哥投资设厰。
我们非常欣幸国际贸易中心经过二十多年之经营, 已经不断茁壮, 希望在贸易、 文化、 金融及农业化工业上為大家牵线搭桥, 為华亚裔在美国社会增光。
New Challenges For The International Trade Center
Twenty years have passed in a hurry. ITC is facing future challenges which are also historical opportunities. For all of us this international platform has already entered the world stage which is also our contribution to our society.
According to our annual plan this year, we will visit many cities and countries around the world including Washington, DC, Mexico, Singapore, Vietnam, Taipei and Guinea, Africa, to promote business and culture between Texas and all around the world.
The projects will include medical, real estate, infrastructure, education, telecommunication, education and agriculture products.
Today we received visitors from Mexico at Global One Bank. We have already accepted their invitation to visit Mexico in early August. The Trade Mission will provide many opportunities to all the people who want to invest in Mexico.
Today our mission is still to provide a platform for everyone interested in trade, culture, financing and import- export business. We believe we are ready for all of you.