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社评 0610 群眾政治动员大会 支持惠特迈参议员选市长

社评 0610 群眾政治动员大会  支持惠特迈参议员选市长

群眾政治动员大会  支持惠特迈参议员选市长

今天是週末, 我们大家将集聚在休斯敦棒球塲上举行千人群眾大会, 共同表达支持参议员惠特迈竞选市长大会, 来自各行各业各族裔及警政消防之人士将参加大会。

市长选举是本市政府每四年之大事, 市长拥有极大权力 ,有对行政之绝对権利, 掌控全市之大小事。 包括对市府二十多位高管之任免权, 由於地域行政区广大, 市府之消警人员有数千人之多。

今年对华亚裔社区而言, 是非常不平凡的一年。 尤其是已经有明顥疫情过后, 许多政治氛围有了非常明显之变化, 而且参政之意识也逐渐高涨 。

现任德外参议员惠特迈是最早一位走进华亚裔市长候选人, 他不但态度诚恳, 对人亲切,而且对亚裔所𠄘受之不公不义也非常同情, 并且经常站上第一线, 為我们仗义执言。

我们呼吁大家,今天这场群眾政府集会, 是我们参政重要之第一步 ,大家手牵手, 心连心, 把惠特迈参议员今年十一月市长大选中送进休斯敦市政府大楼。

Big Rally In Support Of Whitmire’s Run For Mayor Of Houston

Today we will be gathering at Houston’s Minute Maid Park to hold a  big rally to support Senator John Whitmire’s run for Mayor of Houston. People from all walks of life including Asian American firefighters and the police association will join the rally. 

The mayoral election is the most important political event in our city every four years. The city’s mayor is very powerful. He is the one who controls all the executive branches and we have thousands of policemen and firefighters.

This year is a very extraordinary year for our Asian American community, especially after the Covid pandemic. 

Senator Whitmire is the first mayoral candidate to approach our community. He is not  only sincere and kind to people, he is also very sympathetic to our community that has received so much unfair abuse and open discrimination. He often stands on the front line and speaks for us. 

We invite all in our community to join the rally. This is a very important step as we express our support in the mayoral election.