
【美南新闻泉深】德克萨斯州参议员、休斯顿市长候选人惠特迈尔(John Whitmire )今天6月20日宣布,休斯顿地区商业联盟(Houston Region Business Coalition)已经支持他竞选休斯顿市市长。
休斯顿地区商业联盟主席 Alan Hassenflu 说: “ 休斯顿地区商业联盟很自豪地支持惠特迈尔担任休斯顿市市长。他勤奋和明智地有效使用纳税人的钱,这些原则将创建一个强大、充满活力的城市,一个吸引企业并最大限度地提高市民生活质量的城市。我们需要约翰·惠特迈尔担任市长。”
惠特迈尔在德克萨斯州众议院任职十年后,在过去 40 年里一直代表德克萨斯州参议院第 15 选区。 他知道休斯顿是一座伟大的城市,多元化的人口聚集在一起解决棘手的问题。 惠特迈尔希望通过解决我们城市面临的棘手问题来充分发挥这座城市的潜力。 这些问题包括公共安全、非法倾倒垃圾、无家可归、洪水和排水、街道和供水系统维修以及社区交通安全。 他还想提高警察和消防员的士气,让他们知道休斯顿市政府是他们的后盾。
John Whitmire Endorsed for Houston Mayor by Houston Region Business Coalition
John Whitmire announced today that the Houston Region Business Coalition has endorsed him in his campaign for mayor of the City of Houston.
"HRBC is proud to endorse John Whitmire for Mayor of the City of Houston,” said Chair Alan Hassenflu. “John Whitmire understands that for Houston to succeed, it needs a focused government that provides its primary core functions of public safety and infrastructure and works both diligently and wisely to spend taxpayer dollars efficiently. These principles will create a strong, vibrant city, a city that attracts businesses and maximizes the quality of life of its citizens. We need John Whitmire as Mayor."
Whitmire has represented Senate District 15 in the Texas Senate for the past 40 years, after serving ten years in the Texas House. He knows Houston is a great city, where its diverse population comes together to tackle tough issues. Whitmire wants to see the city reach its full potential by taking on the tough issues facing our city. Those issues include public safety, illegal dumping, homelessness, flooding and drainage, street and water system repair and neighborhood traffic safety. He also wants to boost the morale of police and firefighters and let them know that Houston has their backs.
Pol. ad. pd. John Whitmire Campaign