社评0621 狄生牧师之辉煌人生

今天走进狄生牧师之教堂,令我大吃一惊, 超过上千座位的辉煌教堂, 隐藏了狄生牧师不平凡的人生经歷。
认识他是因為国会议员格林之介绍, 我们正动员非裔、 拉丁裔及华亚裔共组族裔文化联合阵线為少数族裔发声, 由于他的积极应作和参与, 是我们成功之重要因素。
狄生牧师经常讲述一个感恩的故事, 三十多年前他草创时所购买之土地, 是得到华裔亚美银行在没有任何抵押之情形下取得贷款, 更是他发展到目前拥有五千多位教友之大教堂之根源, 因此他经常在各种塲合中大谈华人对社区之极大贡献。
在狄生牧师之倡议下, 他所主持之非营利社区组织将和美南传媒集团合作, 从今年八月份起, 由他亲自主持一个电视谈话节目, 主要是针对社区目前面临之诸多问题 透过电视及社群媒体大量传播, 并将其内容编印成平面媒体及每年出版名人录, 将全面向社会各界推广。
狄生牧师目前也被赫里斯郡及市政府任命為体育委员会主席, 在主导本地区之体育赛事, 其中包括后年举办之世界杯足球赛。
Bishop Dixon’s Brilliant Life
Today when I walked into Bishop Dixon’s church, a glorious stone building with more than one thousand seats represented his extraordinary life experience.
I met Bishop Dixon through an introduction by Congressman Al Green. We are now mobilizing the African American, Latino and Asian communities to form a first-ever cultural and political coalition. Bishop Dixon's active participation and strong belief in our cause has been important factors for our success.
Bishop Dixon often told a story about how a Chinese American banker gave him a loan without really enough credit and he used the funds topurchase the very first real estate for his church.
Later, he and I agreed to produce a TV show where we would talk about our society's problems and we would interview community leaders. We also planned to use this content to publish a newspaper, and later, a yearly Who’s Who publication.
I totally agreed with Bishop Dixon’s idea. We need to make our community more aware to explore and learn more about our society.
Bishop Dixon also was appointed by Harris County as the Chairman of the Houston Sports Authority to oversee the sport activities in this area.