社评0703 是华裔觉醒的时候了

週六上午我们在美南电视环球剧场召开了华裔社区紧急会议, 并邀请到好友兄弟美国眾议员格林及在国际区执行任务之警官阮文, 负责巡逻的民间保全西尔公司代表尔理卡共同出席 。
福建同乡会会长陈貽亮、 中华总商会会长孙铁汉、 中国人活动中心前主席杨德清及华裔领袖在会中皆大声疾呼,这是我们华人要行动的时候了。
格林议员是我们的好兄弟, 他随时随地都会接受我们的邀约,关心社区发生之大小事, 他对於上週一在中国城市福建同乡郑先生遭到抢劫受重伤之事件表示非常痛心和遗憾 。
身為国际区区长, 我首先為西南区治安之继续败坏表示自责和不安。我在会上表示 ,今天我们许多在座的多半会是新移民 ,我们选择了这块土地, 吃苦耐劳, 奉献毕生精力来共同建设社区之繁荣和进步, 但是许多华裔市井小民确受到抢刼、 谋财害命之不断威胁, 有如郑先生之不幸遭遇, 在市府警局应负责任来改善治安, 保证人民之生命财產。
当天之会议我们做成了几项决议, 首先是
(2)邀集华埠及国际区之超市、 银行巡逻人员建立联合反犯罪阵线, 互相支援突发事件。
(3)责成中华总商会会长孙铁汉筹组社区义工防卫队, 如何帮助改善治安环境。
(4)参加正在纽约地区筹组之「正义警报」APP 系统, 增强全美华人治安之力量 。
(5)支持正在筹组之德州族裔联合阵线, 联合非裔 、拉丁裔亚裔男女為追求社会正义及反对不公不义而发声。
(6)呼吁大家捐助受影响害人郑先生家属, 帮助一家妻小度过难关。
这𥚃是我们的家, 是我选择的土地, 我们要呼吁华裔同胞大家更要守望相助, 团结起来才有力量。
This Is The Time To Wake Up!
On Saturday Morning we held a community meeting at our TV studio with Congressman Al Green and HPD officer Van Nguyen and many community leaders to discuss the robbing and shooting case in Chinatown last Monday.
Congressman Al Green is our dear brother. He always shows up when our community is facing problems. He expressed great sadness and regret about the robbery and serious injuries sustained by Mr. Zheng last Monday.
The president of the Fujian Association Mr. Chen and the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Harry Sun and many other leaders attended the meeting to discuss what needs to be done to protect the community in the future.
At the meeting we came to several conclusions. Included among them are that we will invite the mayor and police chief to come to our Town Hall Meeting in the near future. Also, we need to organize all of the supermarkets and banks in our area to form a united coalition to help each other in times of an emergency. Additionally, we need to study how to organize a volunteer group to patrol the area and try to create an APP for the security of the community.
The meeting attendees also urged support from the Texas Multicultural Coalition to pursue social justice.
We also encouraged people to donate money to Cheng’s family.
This is our home and the place we have chosen. We are calling on all our Chinese American friends to help each other. Only when we are united can we have strength.