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社评0704 庆祝国庆 谈我们对美国之贡献

社评0704  庆祝国庆  谈我们对美国之贡献

庆祝国庆  谈我们对美国之贡献

今天是美国国庆日,是纪念美国从英国殖民地独立的日子, 也是於1776年七月四日正式签署独立宣言。 这是美国最重要的节日之一 ,也是我们共同纪念和感恩自由独立之重要日子。

华裔移居美国至少已在一百五十年以上, 对美国之建设和经济发展起着重要的角色。包括早期建筑铁路 ,如今在科技 、金融 、教育、 医疗及许多创办中小企业之华人工商人士, 对美国经济带来财富及千万个工作机会。

许多华裔医生、护士及医疗专业為国家提供重大贡献, 文化艺术人士增添了美国文化之多样化, 在政治上也有许多华裔出任市长议员及部会首长, 他们為华裔社会发声推动和争取公民权利。

今天我们非常欣幸成為这𠆤族裔大熔炉之一部份, 更也以华裔為荣 ,我们更要积极参与投票来维护自己之权利

                                                                             Celebrating July 4th Independence Day 


Today is Independence Day in the United States and the day to commemorate the independence of the United States from Great Britain. It is also the official day of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. 


This is one of the most important holidays in our nation and a time to be grateful and to commemorate and be grateful for our freedom, liberty and independence. 


The Chinese Americans have immigrated to the United States for over 150 years. We played an important role in the early construction of the railway in the U.S. Nowadays, Chinese professionals are active in technology, finance, education, medical care and many businesses have brought wealth and tens of thousands of jobs to the U.S. economy. Many Chinese American doctors, nurses and medical professionals have made significant contributions to the country. 


Today we are so proud that we have become a part of this diverse society. We will continue to work hard for our nation.