社评0715 美国人的政商关係

American Political And Business Relations
We have lived in the United States for decades. This is our home. We all hope to continue to integrate into this society by being active both in politics and in business. In fact, it is also a matter of survival. To be active in both areas we need to actively participate in and be engaged in the political process while developing strong business relations. Otherwise, we will always be looked at as outsiders.
From the election of the President of the United States to the Senate, the House of Representatives, the mayor, and the city councils, voters are elected by one vote. Whether they can be elected depends on two factors. The first is votes, and the second is banknotes. If there is a lot of publicity, find someone to help get the word out. If the funds are insufficient, the chance of being elected is very low. All the resulting votes are closely related to the former. If the publicity is carried out effectively, popularity of the candidate will increase naturally, and the chance of being elected will increase greatly.
Under the American democratic system, many special political action committees will support specific candidates with specific goals and agendas. In other words, after they are elected, they will also be expected to serve their donors. This is also a form of bribery in disguise, but it is legal. Many judges in the United States are elected for the sake of pleasing the voters and they also need to adjust to the wishes of their respective donors.
We have been in the United States for a long time, and we have to "do as the Romans do." We often hold various fundraising activities to increase contact with candidates and enhance friendships so that we can get some help at any time it is needed. This is also very normal and how the system works.
Chinese compatriots should clearly understand this election culture. Only by spending money and making the effort to vote can we show our strength both as individuals and as a community.