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社评 0721 德州前副州长為我们银行加持鼓励

社评 0721  德州前副州长為我们银行加持鼓励


今午我们在环球第一银行迎来了前德州副州长杜赫, 他的到访印証了我们的金融机构正逐步走进主流社区, 為此地区之经济发展贡献力量。

杜赫副州长是家世显赫着名之全美共和党领袖,他在休斯敦出生成长, 其父是二次大战英雄大学毕业后曾经在中央情报局, 国务院美国空军服务, 曾任第四十一届德州副州长及德州参议院议长, 他也非常成功地创立了能源和投资基金, 成為了亿万富豪。

杜赫副州长在行程中参观了刚开业二个月的银行服务中心 ,他说银行是我们经济发展之重要支柱 ,必需要深入社区服务大眾。

这位已从政界退休的政治家, 对於社区服务仍然非常热衷 ,但并同意担任国际贸易中心之名誉主席, 希望协助我们推展美国和墨西哥之经贸合作, 并将领导更多之经贸代表团前往亚洲、非洲及中南美洲访问。

过去数十年来, 美南新闻以媒体平台全面登展文化、 经贸和主流社区密切交流, 如今已经成果丰硕, 今天加上环球第一银行经过多年之努力终於成功开业 ,我们一定会结合金融和媒体及社区之力量, 筹建媒体中心, 国际贸易中心及银行金融中心, 三位一体, 為广大社区之经贸文化发展奔向灿烂之未来。 

杜赫副州长, 我们欢迎您来為国际社区之未来共同努力。

Former Texas Lt. Governor Dewhurst Visited Our Bank

Former Lt. Governor David Dewhurst visited Global One Bank today and he praised the new bank and said the bank, "...will be an important part of our economic prosperity."

Lt. Governor Dewhurst was born and raised in Houston. After graduation from college, he served in the CIA in the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Air Force. Later, he became the 41th Texas Lt. Governor and Speaker of the Texas Senate. He also successfully formed an energy company and became a billionaire. 

During his visit to our newly opened bank, he said banks are an important pillar of our economy and must go deep into the community to serve the public. 

The politician who has retired from national politics is still very enthusiastic about community service and he agreed to serve as the Honorary Chair of the International Trade Center. He hopes to assist us in promoting trade and investment and help with trade cooperation between the U.S., Mexico, Asian and African contries

Over several decades we have worked hard to make Southern News Group the premier platform to extend culture and trade services to reach all over the world. Today we are very fortunate that our new Global One Bank will finally open for business. We will combine financial, media and trade services into one force to serve our community and the entire world.

Lt. Governor Dewhurst, we really appreciate you. We are excited and look forward to your being a part of our mission to create a better world for tomorrow.