社评 0822 美南传媒正在步入AI 时代

美南传媒正在步入AI 时代
AI 人工智能是指一种技术和方法能让机器模拟和模仿人类智能行為 ,这些机器可以理解学习解决问题,并且在执行特定任务时能够以人类相似的方式进行。 AI 可以应用於各领域,在医学、金融、交通和娱乐领域都有非常广泛之运用。
在金融银行方面, AI 可以协助风险评估, 预测市场变化, 提高金融安全性和效率。 总之AI 之前途非常光明。
美南传媒已经在近期内推出AI 之全面服务, 為我们之中小企业提供服务。
对於媒体将来在AI 应用方面可以制作广告、 播音及有关客服之工作。
我们非常高兴能够步入更新之科技领域, 為将来媒体和金融开拓更广阔之空间。
Southern News Group Is Entering The AI Era
AI ('artificial intelligence') refers to digital technology and methods that can simulate and imitate human intelligence and behavior. AI machines and programs can understand and learn to solve problems and perform in ways similar to human beings when performing specific tasks.
AI is already being applied in various fields. It is very widely used now in the fields of medicine, finance, transportation and entertainment.
When used in banking services, AI can assist in risk assessment and improve both financial security and efficiency.
Southern News Group has launched a comprehensive list of services for which AI can produce advertising and answer customer questions.
We are very excited to be entering into the AI area. This is the future of our business.