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社评0828 给全美李氏父老乡亲的信

社评0828  给全美李氏父老乡亲的信



第二十四届全美李氏公所恳亲大会在芝加哥圆满闭幕,这也是我过去数十载首次目睹如此眾多之李氏族人挤满在芝加哥华埠街头。 一支浩大之游行队伍在锣鼓喧天的舞狮队伍,宛如一条巨龙在华埠街头攒动。人人捍舞的星条旗和李姓旗子,让我心中掀起巨大之激情, 这是李氏父老先辈在美洲以血汗和泪水交𢡠写下的歷史篇章。

七十年代我在父母及族人之祝福下, 从台北飞抵金山, 满腔热血及一股追求美好前程之激情来到我梦寐以求之美洲大地, 在都板街上的李氏公所大楼得到了无数李氏宗亲叔伯之温暖和帮助 ,但是我还是决定离开这个美丽的恋都, 单枪匹马冲往数千英里外的荒远之德克萨斯州向不可能挑战。 但是那段充满台山乡音和温暖的旧金山中国城确实是我到达美国后之极大文化震撼, 永远烙印在我的心田中。

时光荏苒, 过去数十载我和家人及眾多工作伙伴在艰难辛苦的战场上建造了海外媒体和金融文化事业之传奇故事, 当然我们也是以李氏族人為荣 ,如果没有当初大家之鼓励鞭策, 我们的人生蓝图必会改写。

多少年后的今天, 我们再次在芝城李氏公所重聚。 当年青年一代己垂垂老矣, 活跃在金山侨社的元老们多半已驾鹤西去, 但是你们对族人之贡献必定是李氏及海外华人重要歷史篇章。

今天我们李氏宗亲在这座美丽而充满活力的芝加哥见证了老中青三代之共同记忆, 祝愿李氏繁荣昌盛。

   Letter To Our Lee Family

The 24th Annual National Lee’s convention was held in Chicago. This is the first time in many decades that I have witnessed so many members of the Lee clan crowded on the streets of Chicago's Chinatown. A huge parade was kicking the lion dance team like a dragon down the streets of Chinatown. I experienced a deep passion in my heart at this special moment. This experience has also showed me that this has really been an historical chapter written by the Lee fathers and ancestors in America, a chapter that has been driven with blood, sweat and tears. 

In the 1970's, under the blessing of my parents and friends, I flew from Taipei to San Francisco. I was full of passion for building a better future and arrived in the land of opportunity. The Lee family on Grant Ave. in San Francisco's Chinatown gave me the warmest welcome and much great help.For many reasons, I decided ultimately to leave this beautiful dream city of San Francisco to travel thousands of miles far away to the State of Texas. The main reason was I still can’t speak the Cantonese dialect and felt I needed to experience more American culture. 

Time just flies. Over the last several decades with the hard work of family and help from our friends, we have built our media company and now have opened a bank with many financial services. Of course, with the support and help from all of our Lee family, our life's blueprint will be written with much success. 

Today, many years later, we are all united here again. We all are looking to help each other, especially our next generation. We must still remember what our ancestors did for us. Our culture's traditions will also always play a very important part in all our lives. 

All the old and young family members are here in Chicago. I wish all of you to be happy and prosper.