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社评0829 德州土地能源局长博根汉将蒞临演说

社评0829   德州土地能源局长博根汉将蒞临演说


為了庆祝国际贸易中心成立二十一週年纪念 ,我们将於十一月十七日在休斯敦威士汀奥克酒店举办盛大晚宴。邀请到德州政府主管土地及能源局局长博根汉医生蒞临大会做主题演说, 题目是「德州能源及土地资源之现况 」。 

德州是除阿拉斯加州之外之最大州, 我们地大物博, 盛產石油能源,地广人稀, 是美国物盛资源最丰富之大州 ,多年来在各项工业及海运航空都佔有极大之重要地位。

国际贸易中心成立二十一年以来, 曾经主办个多次国际会议,尤其是以能源及地產為主 ,全世界所有主要之產油国都和休斯敦有密切关係。

為了欢迎博根汉博士之到来 ,我们已经邀请多位市长参加, 尤其是在產油之墨西哥湾之城市,他们对於州政府之能源政策非常关切。

我们甚盼这位主管能源土地的官员, 能向社会各界加强宣导如何各项政策, 并為德州经济增强力量。 

德州目前在美国经济版图上名列前茅, 尤其是能源是我们的支柱產业, 其重要性不言而喻。

Land Commissioner Buckingham Will Visit Houston

We are going to celebrate the 21th anniversary of the International Trade Center at the Houston Galleria  Oaks Hotel. Dr. Dawn Buckingham will be our keynote speaker and will address our current situation in Texas regarding our state's land and energy resources.

Texas is the largest state, except for Alaska. We are rich in land and very  abundant in oil and energy. Texas is the most abundant state in the United States.

Since ITC was established 21 years ago, we have hosted many international seminars. Most of them concentrated on the energy business. All of the countries that  produce oil have a very close relationship with Houston. This is why we are called, "The Energy Capital of the world."

In order to welcome Dr. Buckingham, we also have invited a number of mayors from Beaumont, Orange and Port Arthur from the Golden Triangle area. They will also need to know about our current energy policy.