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社评0907 德州参议院开审检察长被控贪污案

社评0907  德州参议院开审检察长被控贪污案

( 图片来源:路透社)


德州州议院本月五日开始对被弹劾的州检察长帕克斯顿进行开审, 这是德州近五十年来对现任检察长审判之僵局, 也令共和党人非常為难。

他被弹劾之罪状是為他竞选时之捐款人开发商保罗护行得到银行1.7亿元之货款, 保罗因為不实之申报得到贷款而被检方起诉 。

帕克斯敦是川普之坚定支持者, 他已经任职三任, 他的命运将由三十一位德参议员决定, 其中包括他的妻子也是参议员。


长久以来 ,德州州政府尤其是州长和议会皆掌握在共和党人手中, 包括共和党内人士也在今年五成赞成把帕克斯顿踢出政治圈,他因而被停职。

本週在首都奥斯丁之参院正在全力审理此案 ,由于有吹哨人, 証据确凿, 这位共和党老政客可能无法逃过此刼。

Texas Attorney General Has Been Impeached By The State Senate

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton  was accused of corruption and bribery and was impeached by the State Senate. 

This is a very sad hurdle for former President Trump supporters who sat and listened to the opening remarks of state senators. 

One Republican senator said that Paxton not only failed to protect Texas, but also used his elected office to benefit himself. 

The charge was that Paxton secured a $170 million loan for his campaign donor, real estate developer Nate Paul. Paul was indicted for making false statements to a bank. 

Whether the case will be a conviction or not is up to the votes of the Senate. Paxton’s wife, also a senator, can take part in the meetings, but cannot vote on the case. 

We very much regret to say that Texas politics is entering another ugly page again, including the infighting within the Republican party. 

This political battle will affect the nation's politics. The outcome will be very interesting to see in the next few weeks.