社评 0913 川普前总统哽咽

前总统川普日前在南达可打州之一次竞选演说中向一大群热情之川粉表示:“ 你们的祖先在这片土地上赤手空前塑造了我们这个伟大的国家,如今面临空前之挑战 ,美国已经不再是当年强盛之国家。” 当时这位前总统有些哽咽,几乎无法自拔。
近百年来 ,我们都是一群来自世界各个角落的新移民, 美国对我们说来是我们选择安身立命的新家, 许多人在年轻时代就在这裡求学就业成家, 也把青春奉献给这块土地。 我们和那些早年来到美洲大陆的欧洲移民并无分别只是到达时间之先后而己。
我们要在此提醒川普总统, 美国之繁荣强大是大家共同牺牲奋斗而来, 绝非只是某些人之功劳。
我们今天要呼吁全体华亚裔人士, 国家是我们共同拥有的, 我们也是这个国家的主人。
越来越多的政客正在利用不同之二分法来挑拨族群感情, 这对国家之未来有极严重之影响 。如果我们都是四分五裂 ,又如何来拯救日渐衰落的国力呢 ?
(图片来源: 路透社)
President Trump Choked Up
Former President Trump recently gave a group of enthusiastic fans a campaign speech that explained how our ancestors bravely shaped our great country into this great land. Today we are facing new and unprecedented challenges. The United States is no longer the powerful country it has been in the past in the eyes of the world. When Trump stated this fact, he became clearly choked up on the stage.
For nearly one hundred years we have been a group of new immigrants from all corners of the world. For all of us, the United States is our new home where we chose to settle down. Many people dedicated their whole lives to build this land. We are no different in that regard from those who came from Europe to America in early days.
We would like to remind all the politicians that the prosperity of this nation is the result of everyone’s joint sacrifice and struggle.
Today we also want to appeal to all Asian Americans and remind them that we are a part of this nation.
More and more people are trying to provoke negative ethnic feelings today which has a very serious impact on our society.