社评0915 休斯敦巿长候选人将在国际区辩论

市长大选在即 ,由德州多族裔文化联盟主办的休斯敦巿长辩论会将於九月三十日上午十时在美南电视环球剧场举行。届时将有六位最有希望登上市长宝座的候选人参加, 这将是本市在市长选举中之一件盛事。
近年来由於华亚裔人口不断南移, 尤其是国际区及华埠商业鼎盛, 商场人头钻动, 带来了人潮及钱潮 ,不是我们自夸, 歴任市长都讃扬我们是市政之楷模,唯有在深夜还灯火通明。
我们要非常慎重地呼吁大家,要对此次辩论给予高度重视。 我们认為治安是重中之重, 清理流浪汉及加强警力是当急之务。
Houston Mayoral Debate Forum
The six top Houston mayoral candidates will be at our STV Global Studio on September 30th at 10:00 am to meet our community leaders. This is a very big deal for us to meet the future mayor of our great city 'face-to-face.'
Over the last few decades, many newcomers have moved into our city, especially in the International District and Chinatown areas. If you travel anywhere up and down on Bellaire Blvd., you will see that almost all of the shopping centers are full of people every day. We are creating a thriving economic center of prosperity in the southwest region.
Today we also have many pressing critical issues that still need to be solved, especially in the areas of public safety and the growing crime issue.
We are here to urge all of our people to stand up with one voice and express our displeasure about these problems. Regardless of whomever becomes mayor, he or she must address these urgent problems.
We love this city. It is our home.