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社评0929 休斯敦市长辩论会将在美南电视举行

社评0929 休斯敦市长辩论会将在美南电视举行


经过多时之筹备, 在德州多元族裔联盟之邀请下, 参加角逐休斯敦市长之六位候选人将於本週六上午在美南电视环球剧场举行, 这将是一场非常重要而且划时代意义之政治活动。

休斯敦近年来之工商活动不断增强,而且正在直追位居第三位之芝加哥 ,尤其是华亚裔旅族群已超过总人口之百分之十, 并且在各种商业活动及学术政界正在展露头角。

我们期待这场辩论会為华亚裔参政带来稹极和正面之意义, 这也代表主流社会对我们之重视,更将对族群和谐有非常重要之影响。

市长是执掌未来市政之统帅, 我们正面对之挑战非常艰鉅, 治安及基建是最迫切之事项 。我们希望共同表达这些关切,為社区之明天共同努力。

Houston Mayoral Debate Will Be Held In Our STV Studio

After much preparation, the Texas Multi Culture Coalition has invited Houston's six mayoral candidates to debate in our STV television studio this coming Saturday and meet our community leaders.

We are so glad that these candidates have agreed to all come to our community to talk about the very critical and major issues we all are facing today.

Over the last decade, many Asian immigrants have moved into the greater Houston area and have created many businesses in our region. The AAPI population now is over 10% in this region. We are so very proud that the positive economic impact on our city is now being felt and getting greater all the time.

The mayor is our leader and decision-maker for our city. Now we are talking about the public safety issue and our city's infrastructure. Both are very serious issues. Whomever becomes our mayor needs to address these critical issues.

We hope all of our community leaders will pay full attention to this debate. It is directly related to the future of our city.