社评1010 中东战火再起

以色列总理纳坦尼亚胡週日向国人警告要做好长期抗战之準备, 并誓言要彻底摧毁哈马斯在加萨走廊之基地。
在无预警之情况下, 哈马斯在週六发射了五千枚火箭弹, 袭击了特拉维夫和耶路撤冷郊区,武装分子混入了以色列城镇, 并在音乐节现场杀害数百人并刼持百多位人质,其中有十多位是美国公民。 目前双方伤亡已经超过千人, 是数十年来规模最大之袭击, 重创了以色列军方情报及防御情报系统。
哈马斯领袖在一项声明中表示 ,我们要敌人明白他们肆无忌惮之时代已经结束。而以色列已召集三十万后备军人, 坦克部队调动已经做好陆地进攻加萨走廊之準备。
美国政府已经调动军舰準备支援以色列, 拜登总统表示支持以色列对其捍卫领土之决心。
这场突如其来之战争, 将是对中东情势之重大改变 ,尤其是伊朗、敍内亚全世界许多回教国家支持哈马斯之突袭行动, 而美及西方国家站在对立面给予以色列全面之支援。
我们非常同情那些在战火中遭到苦痛流离失所之难民, 我们呼吁双方应立即停火, 在安理会之调停下进行和平谈判, 但显然以色列遭受到屈辱和攻击后绝非可能善罢甘休。
War In The Middle East Is On The Rise Again
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned his people on Sunday that they should be prepared for a long-term war and vowed to destroy the Hamas base in Gaza.
Without warning, Hamas fired more than 5,000 rockets on Saturday. They directly attacked Tel Aviv and Yerio in Israel and killed hundreds of people and now hold more than 100 hostages who were attending a music festival.
Israel has gathered 300,000 reserve soldiers who are ready to attack the Gaza corridor on the land. The U.S. government has mobilized warships and air power to support Israel. President Biden has expressed his firm support for Israel’s determination to defend its territory.
This sudden war will cause major changes in the Middle East, especially in Iran and many of the countries that support Hamas, while the United States and western countries stand on the side of Israel.
We are very sympathetic to those victims who have been painfully displaced because of the war. We call for an immediate ceasefire. Obviously, Israel cannot stop after the humiliation and lost lives of this attack.