日记 【外交风云】电视节目即将推出

日记 【外交风云】电视节目即将推出
每年一度的休斯敦外交领事团嘉年华会上週六在会议中心举行, 也是市长特纳任期内最后一次的告别晚会。 在他的演说中对於领事团给予市政府之支持表示由衷之感谢 ,在演说中也有几分之悲伤。
休斯敦是全美第四大城, 目前有九十八个国家之总领事舘住紥在此, 尤其是许多国家在石油、 科技 、太空及医疗有密切交往之关係。
市长对於过去近八年来推动和世界各地之交往成绩丰硕。 休斯敦布什国际机场已经建造成為世界重要之机场之一, 由於经济之不断成长, 近年来各地居民不断涌入, 德州已经成為全国之明星州。
有鍳於加强德州和各国之关係, 美南电视台将推出一档【外交风云】节目, 将邀请各国驻在休斯敦总领事畅谈各国之文化、 贸易, 如何加强和当地之交流活动。
Meet Your Consul General TV Program Will Launch Soon
The annual Houston Consular Ball was held at the George R. Brown Convention Center last Saturday. It was also Mayor Turner’s last farewell party for his ending term of office. In his speech, the mayor expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the Consular Corp’s support to the City of Houston There was also some sadness in his speech.
Houston is the fourth largest city in the nation. We also have 98 consulates stationed in the city, highlighted by those countries that have close relationships with the city in the energy, medical and space technology sectors.
Over the last eight years, Mayor Turner has helped Houston become one of the major cities in the world. Due to the continuous growth of the city's economy, residents from all over the world have been pouring into the area in recent years. Texas has also become a 'super star state' in America as a result.
There are many productive ways to strengthen the relationship between our city and the rest of the world, so we are planning to produce a TV program called, "Meet Your Consul General."
On the show, we will invite the diplomats from different countries to talk about their culture and world trade and discuss how to increase the exchange of information through more activities with the community.