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社评1014 迎秋

社评1014  迎秋


今晨推开窗外之门, 一阵微冷风吹送胸前。 后院已经散落了些落叶, 秋天终於来了 。树林开始呈现红色橙色和棕色, 湛蓝天空温暖柔和的阳光, 令人有详和放鬆之感受。

世界许多地区农夫们正在迎接秋收之季节,他们的努力铺遍了大地丰盈之果实和金黄的稻穗 ,让我们再次享受农民及上天之赐与 。但是我们看看中东加萨走廊数以百万计之难民正在逃亡走头无路, 战争带来之陈尸遍地, 乌克兰之农地夷為平地 ,他们在地球另一面 正遭受苦痛和挣扎。

数千年来, 居住在地球上之人数, 一直因為战争、 宗教、 政体和生存在相互竞争残杀 ,对於宗教家之期待和人性之善良面可谓消失殆尽。 执政者利用民粹巩固政权
,上𠆤月我们走访了新加坡, 这𠆤人口华族佔百分之七十的城市国家, 其他印度及马来人是少数, 他们以英文為第一文字, 各族融和相处, 经济鼎盛, 跃居世界前三名。新加坡太了不起了, 他们也是百分之一百华裔血统, 这批华夏子孙之智慧值得世界各国成為学习之榜样。

一叶知秋, 我们老祖宗给了我们太多的提示, 如何找到平静和平和满足, 需要极大之牺牲和努力, 我们必须思考反省和规划撑握未来。

(图片来源: 路透)

   Welcome To Autumn 

This morning, the door of a window was open. A gentle, cool wind blew across my chest. Some fallen leaves were scattered around in our backyard. Autumn had finally come. The trees began to show their hues of red, orange and brown. The warm and soft sunshine beaming across the blue sky made people feel more relaxed. 

Farmers in many parts of the world are welcoming the autumn harvest season. Their efforts have spread the abundant fruits and golden rice. Once again, we enjoyed the gifts of the farmers and heaven. 

But let’s remember that millions of refugees in the Middle East and Ukraine are trying to flee their lands, but have no way out. The dead bodies brought about by the war are everywhere. They are painful and hopeless reminders of these ongoing conflicts.

For thousands of years of history, we as human beings living on the earth have been killing each other because of war, religion and politics. The rulers use controlled populism to consolidate their power.

Last month we visited Singapore, a city-nation where Chinese descendants are 70%, while the rest of the population are Indian and Malays. All the ethnic groups get along very well and the economy is prosperous and ranks high among the top three economies of the world. Singapore is star role model for the rest of the world. How can we also use our wisdom that may require sacrifice to manage our own country?

In this amazing season, all of us need to think about personal reflection and make plans toward a new future.