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社评1108国际贸易中心迎来21 岁生日

社评1108国际贸易中心迎来21 岁生日

国际贸易中心迎来21 岁生日

整整二十一年之时光 ,我们在美国休斯敦成立了国际贸易中心, 作為我们对这块土地回馈的实际行动。

我经常在各种大小塲所表达美国这𠆤移民国家给予我们极大之机会,在此落叶生根 ,来到这裡的世界移民 ,聘籍一双勤劳之手创造了多少傲人之成功故事。

多年来, 我们在媒体事业之支𣛟下, 希望走出多元族裔之大道 ,创建国际社区之氛围, 為休斯敦之发展走出一条新的道路。

二十年前由德州议会在州议员武休伯之支持下通过成立休斯敦国际行政区, 包括十三英里之地区近十三万人口, 由社区领袖之共有努力 ,多年来国际区已经成為休斯敦成功之经济模范,百利大道上之车水马龙 ,商场上之人头钻动 ,是经济繁荣之表现。

国际贸易中心和国际区代表了我们对美国社会之贡献 ,但是我们将继续努力, 社区之发展永无止境。

庆祝中心之二十一週年大会定於十一月十七日下午六时在盖洛里亚大酒店举行, 届时将由德州土地能源局长伯尼汉博士為主旨演讲人, 希望大家共同参与和支持, 并将在大会上颁发奖学金及社会精英奖, 為清寒学子们助上一臂之力。

Houston International Trade Center Celebrates Its 21st Anniversary

ITC has been here for twenty-one years now. We established this non-profit organization as a practical action in order to give back to our community and to this land. 

I often express to our friends that this great nation has given us the great opportunity to take root here and by using our own pair of hard-working hands, we have created many successful and proud stories. 

Twenty years ago with a bill initiated by State Representative Hubert Vo, the Texas Legislature passed a bill to establish the International

Management District with a budget of $1.7 million dollars for an area that includes a population of 130,000 and covers thirteen square miles. Over the years, we tried diligently to manage our safety issue and beautify the area. Finally, we have made the International Management District into a successful community role model for the entire city. 

With the International Trade Center  being involved for many years in so many local and international activities, we are going to sponsor an ITC Gala on November 17, 2023, at the Houston Galleria Oaks Hotel. We hope that you can come and join us to celebrate and support the ITC and meet the community leaders we work with and help us continue to promote our many educational and cultural events.