社评1109 市长选举白热化

(图片来源: 路透社)
热情之支持者週二晚间挤满在市中心之美丽华大酒店,為在初选中胜出之市长候选人惠特迈欢呼, 他和对手希拉丽稹克逊将在十二月九日决胜负,决定谁将主持全美第四大城市休斯敦之市政。
惠特迈在胜利演说中再次感谢本市多元族裔之支持, 他再度强调治安是他将来主政之重中之重, 没有安全环境之保障, 是我们最大之挑战 。他并主张在本市增加二千警力, 同时全面整治交通基础建设及流浪汉等严重事项。
接下来十二月九日之复选也是一项极大之挑战, 到底谁能选胜也是未定之天。
总之, 我们都要张大眼晴, 来投下自己神圣之一票。
休斯敦市长任期是四年, 依法得联任一次為八年。 由於是全市市民选出 ,他有非常大之权力来主持市政, 其中包括二十多位市府高级主管。
由于外来人口之不断增加, 市民对市政府之要求相对增加, 新任市长必然需要一支高效率之市府团队来面对挑战 ,才是市民之福。
City Of Houston's Mayoral Race Goes To A Runoff
Enthusiastic supporters crowded into a local hotel last night to cheer Mayoral frontrunners Senator John Whitmire and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Both of them will be in the runoff on Dec. 9th that will decided who will be the next mayor of Houston, Texas.
In his remarks, Senator Whitmire once again thanked the city’s multi-ethnic community for their support. He once again stressed that public safety was his first priority if he becomes the mayor of the city. The lack of a safe environment is our biggest challenge today. Whitmire also advocated adding 2,000 new members to the police force to rectify serious matters such as infrastructure and the homeless issues.
Houston's mayor has a four-year term and a joint term of eight years. He has great powers to preside over the municipal government that includes 25 city department heads.
Due to the increasing population in the city, we really need an efficient municipal team to meet our growing list of challenges.