社评 1130 农历新年游园嘉华年会将扩大举行

為了迎接2024 龙年之到来, 美南新闻已经联合各界社团、 学区召开了第一次筹备会, 决定明年二月十日整天扩大休斯敦西南区举办的各项文化社区活动, 全面推动今后成為全市庆祝大会,吸引各地民眾参与, 促进观光和经济之发展。
正在筹划中之庆祝大会, 将分為两大部份, 由各族裔进行文艺表演, 鼓乐队舞龙舞狮杂技, 在整天之活动舞台上充分表现各国之文化特色, 另一部份将设国际美食区, 将有代表各族裔餐厅参加 。
多年来, 我们在国际区不断努力拓展工商业之进步, 繁荣地方经济, 卓有所成。
新年游园会希望今后变成一个全市性之文化活动, 可以帮助休斯敦带来更多之观光客, 让这个充满机会阳光之南方大城大放光彩。
Texas Lunar New Year Festival Will Be Expanded
In order to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Dragon 2024, Southern News Group has joined forces with communities from all walks of life, especially with the Alief School District that held its first preparation meeting and decided to expand its various culture activities.The event will take place in the southwest part of the city on February 10, 2024, and it will be a whole day event.
The festival will be divided into two parts: on the stage, we will have different cultural dance programs where cultural characteristics of early countries will be fully display. The other part will be the international food section with all kinds and varieties of international foods.
Over the years, we have been working hard to expand the International District to attract more businesses to come to this area. From this year on, we want the festival to become even bigger to attract more tourists to come to Houston to experience our diverse cultures.