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社评1201 国际区双喜临门

社评1201  国际区双喜临门


久未谋面的国际区理事史蒂文李今午出席了我们的月会, 大家都前往问候, 非常庆幸他在经过多月之病魔缠身之后, 终於重新站了起来。

素有“休斯敦川普”称号之史蒂文, 他的成功是个非常传奇之故事, 当他从越南逃到美国之后, 尤於身体短小精干,从一名油管铁钳工开始,成為一位勇於拚搏的地產开发商,成功地在全市拥有许多商业地產, 近月来因為个人聚劳成疾  但他以无比之毅力终於站了起来。

今天的月会上, 我们大家鼓掌欢迎他回到国际区大家庭, 同时也在会上通过建造国际区大门, 希望在六个月内完工落成。

近二十年了, 史蒂文和我们一起為国际区之创建成长贡献心力 ,今天可说是双喜临门了。

Double Happiness In The International District 

Our dear friend Stephen Le who has not attended our meetings for many months now, showed up today at our International District Board meeting. Many of us went to greet him and felt so happy. 

Stephen Le, also known as 'Houston's Donald Trump,' is a legend in the city. When he fled from Vietnam to America, he became a real estate developer from being a hard-working iron tubing welder and successfully opened many commercial real estate projects in the city. 

At today’s meeting we all applauded and welcomed him back to our international community family. In the meantime, we also passed a resolution to build an International Gate in the district within six months. 

Over the last twenty years, Stephen has joined us to build up the International District. This is double happiness for all of us.