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社评 1209 最后一瞥

社评 1209  最后一瞥



今晚走在美南广场上,树立在前院六呎之铁网高墙圈出近二英亩之空地, 準备开始动土兴建环球第一银行金融中心大楼, 离开时最后一瞥回看了这块空地, 不久将有一座新楼出现 。我心中喜忧参半, 心情颇為复杂 。

在人生之道路上, 数十寒暑我们向前之步伐从未停歇过, 但是也曾经经歴过无数之困境和挑战, 虽然我一直坚信毅力可以克服一切, 但是许多意想不到的事总会从天而降。

美南新闻广场上曾经举办过无数多彩多姿之大型文化活动, 舞台上的舞姿曼妙和各族裔之音乐牵动了无数人之心,如今广场上将出现一楝银行及金融机构, 将以不同方式為大家服务。

我们和许多工作伙伴带着无比兴𡚒之信心, 捲起了䄂子 ,為我们下一个更宏大之计划挺进。

多年来在广场上歴经风雨, 披星戴月, 嚐过辛酸, 我们终於走出来了。 回头看看, 许多记忆填满心中, 在人生之旅途中慢慢回味了。

The Last Glimpse

Tonight I walked through the Southern News compound and passed by the chain-link fence that has been put up in the empty space. It is ready for the Global One Bank Financial Center building to be built.

As I was leaving, I took one last glimpse. Soon there will be a new building standing there. 

On the road of  my life, I never stopped walking forward. We have also experienced countless difficulties and challenges on this journey, although I always  believed that we were confident to overcome them. But sometimes, unexpected things always seem to fall from the sky. 

Countless  cultural performances and sounds of music have been 

held on these grounds. The graceful dancers touched many people's hearts, and now standing there will be a new and beautiful bank building.

When we look back, there are so many memories that filled our heart.