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社评1216 台湾选举白热化

社评1216  台湾选举白热化


台湾中华民国总统副总统大选只剩下三十天,在野之国民党正在卯足全力 ,希望下架民进党重掌政権。 由柯文哲医生领导之民眾党也在做最后努力 ,希望奇蹟出现能打下江山。

台湾选举之投票率可能是居全球之冠 ,大约有超过百分之七十五以上选民前往投票, 而且在选举时出现在电视社群媒体之名嘴满天,遍地之广告牌 ,数万人之群眾大会 ,真令人结舌 。我曾经告诉许多在美国参选的政客们说 ,他们应该到台湾取经 ,只要学习到三分之一的技巧, 必然会当选无疑。

此次大选由国民党主导之蓝军显然是全部归队了, 他们深知如果不能东山再起, 可能是中华民国最后一战。 

台湾虽是弹丸之岛, 它的存在是中华民国存在之烟火, 更是全球国际政治之焦点 ,此次大选有何党掌权将会牵动未来世界之发展。

我们期望台湾大选能顺利完成, 更重要的是不要沦為政客之棋子, 為岛上人民带来万劫不复之战火 。

台湾经过七十多年之奋斗 ,塑造了许多傲世之成就 ,政客们必须拿出智慧為大家追求幸福和平之生活。


Taiwan’s Election Is Heating Up

There are thirty days left until the presidential election in the Republic of China (Taiwan ). The opposition party KMT is making every effort to remove the DPP party to try to regain back the power. The people’s party led by Dr. Ke wen-me is also making a final effort and is hoping that a miracle will happen for their run for the presidency.

The voters turnout in Taiwan could be the highest in the world if more than 75% of voters go to vote. During the election campaign, the candidates appeared on TV talk shows and attracted mass gatherings of thousands of really excited voters. I once told many politicians here that they should go to Taiwan to learn how to run an election. If they could apply one-third of their skills, they would be a winner.

The Blue are led by the KMT and have recently returned to the general election. They know that if they can’t make a comeback, it could be their last battle for the Republic of China.

We all hope that the election process will go very smoothly. After more than 70 years, the people of this small island have be responsible for many proud achievements. All the leaders should use their wisdom to pursue a peaceful life for the country and its people.