社评1226 相约2024

2023年暮, 我们将共同欢接2024 年之来临。 回顾过去一年,对许多人说来 ,充满了辛酸和挑战。
在美国国内, 由於通货膨胀利率高居不下, 影响了房地產之市埸交易; 民生物价也在上涨 对低薪阶层造成巨大之压力; 美国总统大选已经拉开序幕 ,前总统川普一句移民毒害了我们的血液, 引起大家之愤慨。 如果他再次上台, 可能是一次掀起排移民大潮, 你家后院的杂草还有人要剷吗? 我们大家决不可小视此事。
综观世界, 红海附近由於无人机之被击落及美军今晨在伊拉克发射火箭, 造成地区之紧张 。俄乌战争至今未见和平, 以色列对加萨走廊继续其屠杀行动, 南海附近中菲两国不断较劲, 这个世界真是不太平。
然而, 我们对未来也要充满信心, 在这块土地上仍然生活着绝大部份善良勤奋的国民, 我们每天站在个人之工作岗位上努力完成自己工作之任务。
过去一年, 我们曾经号召大休斯敦地区国际社区各族裔领袖组成德州族裔联盟, 继续為自已的公民权益而奋斗 ,大家共同拥护之德州参议员惠特迈高票当选了休斯敦市市长, 希望他能带领大家共同為新政而努力。
Welcome 2024
At the end of 2023 we will all welcome 2024 together. Looking back on the past year, it has been full of bitterness and challenges for many people.
In our nation today, high inflation
and interest rates have affected the real estate market and the prices of consumer goods across the board. The rising prices have also caused great pressure on low income families. The U.S. presidential election campaigns have begun with former President Trump saying that "immigrants are a threat that poison our blood," causing many people great frustration and anger. It may
be the start of a new wave of anti-immigrant sentiment. Is there anyone else who will cut the weeds in your backyard? We must not ignore or underestimate this matter.
Looking out at the world, in the Red Sea the region is tense due to the shooting down of drones and the launch of an array of rockets by the U.S. toward Iraq this morning. There has been no peace in the Russian-Ukraine war so far. The world is really not at all peaceful today.
However, we should also be full of confidence and hope for the future. Most of us are still doing our own jobs to complete our own tasks.
In the past year we have called on the leaders of all ethnic group to form the Texas Multicultural Coalition to fight for our civil rights.
We are here to congratulate our new Mayor John Whitmire and we pledge that we will work together for our future.