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社评 1229 岁末祝福和感恩

社评 1229  岁末祝福和感恩


2023 年即将结束,我们正要迎接新的一年到来。 这是一个感恩和祝福之时刻, 不论我们身处何处, 生活在何方, 过去一年已经成為过去, 有兴奋、 有悲伤, 然而我们仍然要心存感激, 因為多数人仍然活着, 上天之赐。 

人之一生不如意之事甚多,当我们在為事业奋斗 ,為工作而奔波时, 这些目标是非常明确的, 许多人失业了, 失恋了, 失去亲人, 面对战火灾难, 流落他方,多少难民為求生而冒险翻山越岭, 这幅惨酷画面不断上演。

但是对大多数人而言,还是可以生活在安定平静的土地上 ,继续為自己之目标和梦想而奋进。 许多家庭𠒇女孝顺父母, 兄弟姐妹和亲人融和相处 ,享受天伦之乐。

我们无法预测未来, 但是我们要撑握现在。 2024 年将是美国总统改选年, 也是台湾中华民国总统大选年, 未来如何发展我们将拭目以待了。

Year-End Blessing And Gratitude

2023 is coming to an end. We are about to welcome the new year. This is a time of gratitude and blessing. No matter where we are and where we live, the past year has become a thing of past. There is excitement and sadness, but we still have to be grateful for most of the people because they are still alive.

There are many things that people don’t like in their lives. When we are fighting for the future, these goals are very clear. Many people lose their jobs or their loved ones, while others face the disaster of war with how many then becoming refugees?

But for most people they can still live in a land of peace and continue to work hard for their goals and dreams. Many of them are filial with their parents and live with their families and enjoy much happiness.

We cannot predict the future, but we have to grasp that 2024 will be the year of the presidential elections in both the United States and Taiwan. We will only have to wait and see how it will develop in the future.