社评 0105 休斯敦需要更多的城市外交

新任市长惠特迈在其市政建设之政见中将改善治安為首要任务, 他坚信良好之治安环境是一切之基础,唯有大家能过上平安之日子, 才是最重要的生活条件。
他对大休斯敦今后的城市外交也十分重视, 希望透过各项文化经济投资交流来促进经济繁荣和就业机会。休斯敦目前共有九十八个总领事馆,包括全世界主要国家在内, 其中以石油、科技、 医疗交流為主, 我们并拥有非常龎大而良好之港口, 并且是全球第八大之经济体。
市府更应常设经济文化投资服务专责办公室, 為各国投资者提供全方位一站到位之服务, 并且要筹设休斯敦商业保税及工业区,扩大拓商為本市增加就业机会。
休斯敦是全美第四大城, 有着非常强劲之经济潜力 ,更和全球近百个大城市结缔為姐妹市 ,如何透过城市外交促进交流也是新市长努力之重大项目。
Houston Needs More City Diplomacy
Our new Mayor Whitmire has made public safety as his top priority. He believes that a good public security environment is the foundation of everything. To provide a safe environment and a safe life for everyone is the most important living condition for all.
We also need to promote city diplomacy to support and strengthen the prosperity of our economy. At the present time, there are 98 consulates in Houston which include all major countries of the world among which comprise many of the critical businesses of oil, science, technology and medical fields.
Today the City of Houston has almost one hundred cities around the world that we consider as our sister cities. We need to encourage and enhance these relationships through culture, trade and academic exchange.
We want to suggest that the city needs to establish a special investment office to encourage investors to come to Houston to do business and to eventually create a Houston light industrial and tax free zone.
This is our hope to be a part of this city and to move forward.