社评 0115 迎接龙年---休斯敦国际文化工商展

龙年是十二生肖中最耀眼的年份, 更代表了我们中华传统文化中吉祥的年份。 近半世纪来 ,我们视如故土的海外移民, 在这块土地上艰苦奋斗, 写下了无数成功之故事 ,更成為美利坚共和国大家庭的重要成员。
休斯敦新上任的市长惠特迈在其参选市长之二年过程中, 我们国际社区一直支持他的政见 ,改善治安, 族群融合, 促进繁荣。 他终於不负眾望 ,在今年初正式就任美国第四大城休斯敦市长 ,并且立即马不停蹄為实现他的政见而努力。
今天我们也得到他的鼎力协助, 将於2024 年2月10 日举办「欢庆龙年 休斯敦国际文化工商嘉年大会」,首次在本市举办最盛大之年会来庆祝我们多元族裔文化对美国之贡献。
上午十时, 惠特曼市长亲自会见国际社区领袖接待会。
上午十午时半, 国际文化工商大展嘉年华剪。
佔地近三十万英尺之华丽大厦 将分為三大区块:文艺表演区、 美食区及工商展覧区 。
主办单位已经印制三万张印有号码之入塲券, 免费发送并且可凭票抽奖。
目前已经有近六十多个族裔之参与筹备工作, 有关信息请上网查询。
Houston International Cultural Business Expo Welcomes The Year Of The Dragon Lunar New Year
Houston International Trade Center and Alief School District will sponsor the biggest Texas Lunar Festival and International Cultural Business Expo on Saturday, Feb.10th, 2024. The year of Dragon is
the most dazzling year in our twelve zodiac calendar. For nearly one-half century since we came to this great land, we now call this our home. Because of our hard work, we have written countless success stories.
During last two years of political campaigns, our community has been supporting former Senator John Whitmire and he now has finally become the Mayor of Houston . His vision is to improve public safety, improve ethnic integration
and economic prosperity. According to the planning committee, at 10:00 am the Mayor will host a reception for the community
Event Schedule
10:30am Mayor will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
10:45am Start of all entertainment and dragon dances.
The gorgeous AISD building will be divided into three sections including food, entertainment and business expo area.
The organizer has printed 30,000 numbered free tickets which will be used in a drawning for prizes
At present, more than sixty community groups have participated in the preparation work for the event.
For additional information, please check the barcode on the event poster.
Today, Fox 26 General Manager D’Artagnan Bebel has informed us that Fox will be a part of this exciting event.