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社评0118 我们走进主流国际舞台

社评0118   我们走进主流国际舞台


举办了第二十六𠆤年头的农历新春游园会,将从今年开始澈底改变,同时推出休斯敦国际文化工商大展, 集聚文化工商、表演艺术及各国美食, 推向国际主流社区, 為我们多元族裔文化争光添彩。

今天美南新闻传媒集团所努力发展之方向, 早已在全美主要城市紥根, 我们从媒体结合贸易、学术文化及金融事业, 形成了一条產业錬, 但是我们始终是以服务為最高经营之原则。 

即将在二月十日推出之迎龙年国际工商大展将在佔地广阔之职训中心举行, 希望迎来上万名之访客, 并且由新市长惠特曼亲自主持剪綵开幕, 為休斯敦国际社区之经济文化艺术揭开多彩多姿之序幕。

生活在这块土地上的人, 我们要继续保存自己悠久之固有文化, 也要更融入这片新的家园, 这裡是我们多少年来曾经用汗水耕耘之园地 。

此时此刻, 我们再度呼吁大家携手合作, 相互提携, 共同打造更加美好的未来。

美南新闻有您, 我们将会继续茁壮, 為海外华人继续书写歷史之新页。

We Are Entering The International Stage

Starting this year, our Lunar New Year celebration will host the Houston International Expo at same time. This expo will bring together the cultural, trade, performing arts and food from many groups to promote our international community. 

Today Southern News Group as a leading media center has long been rooted in the major cities in the United States. We always make service to the people as our top priority. 

The first Houston International Expo will be launched on Saturday, Feb.10th from 10-5pm at the AISD Career Center. We are expecting tens of thousands of people to attend. 

The new mayor of Houston, John Whitmire, will be the host of the opening ceremony and ribbon cutting and we also will invite many community leaders to join us.

We are so happy that this event will bring our international family together.