社评0120 达拉斯华人喜迎龙年
![社评0120 达拉斯华人喜迎龙年](https://scdaily.com/images/NR8g6tJZGa92WIEfL9tLJeAIGywxYDGlpM2lHjEf.png)
今晚我们参加了达拉斯华人社区在凯悦大饭店举办之新春晚会, 心中充满了喜悦和感动。
早在八十年代初, 一个燠热的夏天, 我们来到了达拉斯, 当时华人廖廖可数 ,只不过一家华人製麵厰及几家餐馆。 為了生存发展,我们必须在此紥根, 多年来经过弟妹们的共同努力, 克服困难, 终於得予生存发展。 当时母亲也住在达拉斯近郊礼查逊, 每当我们家人回来时,她总是会备可口之云南家乡菜, 并且表演一首我為她购买之长笛 ,家人和融共享天伦之乐,以此為甚。 如今母亲已离世多年, 每思至此, 悲情涌出 ,这些佳餚和笛声早己成了记忆。
多年来 ,由於达拉斯居於南部中央, 能源高科技服装业十分兴旺, 是美国最具指标性之大城, 近年来许多华亚裔人士不断迁入, 商业鼎盛。
《达拉斯日报》在此发行已久, 我们和华亚裔社区紧密结合, 最新一期2024 年《达拉斯华人电话本》已出版, 这也是我们对社区服务之最重要项目, 同时新成立之环球第一银行已经选定行址, 将在近期开张营业。
多年来, 我们更心存感激, 感谢有你相伴, 能在这块土地上写下媒体和金融另一篇章。
( 图片来源: 路透)
The Dallas Chinese Community Welcomes The Year Of The Dragon
Tonight we are here to join the Dallas Chinese community in celebrating and welcoming the Year of the Dragon at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Our hearts are full of joy and emotion.
As early as the 1980’s, on a hot summer day we came to Dallas from Houston. At that time we only had a noodle factory and a few Chinese restaurants. In order to survive we decided that we must come here and stay. After many years and with the joint efforts of our family members, brother Dan, sister Sandy and Jing, we finally settled down and survived. My Mom also moved to the town of Richardson close to Dallas. Whenever our family came home, she always prepared home cooking and performed a song with the flute which I bought for her many years ago. Mom passed away a few years ago. When I think about the delicacies she prepared for us as home-cooked meals and her cheerful flute playing, a sadness comes into my heart.
Over the years, our Dallas Chinese Daily and the Dallas Chinese Yellow Pages have become very important community services in the Dallas region. We are so grateful and appreciate your strong support very much.
The newly established Global One Bank will also open a new branch in Dallas very soon. We are so very excited to join with our community and extend our financial services to the Dallas area.