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社评 0123 艾伯特州长即将出访印度

社评 0123  艾伯特州长即将出访印度


為了促进徳州向世界各地招商引资活动, 德州州长艾伯特即将於週末前往印度访问。 他说 :“德州和印度有非常长久之政经关係, 我们希望继续加强两国人民之交往。”

目前政界盛传艾伯特州长非常可能是共和党川普将来竞选总统之副总搭配人选, 川普曾对艾伯特在德州之政绩高度讃扬, 过去曾经担任过州长的小布希后来也成了美国总统。

被称為世界第八大经济体的德州是个地广人稀之大州, 地下有惊人的石油, 地上有高科技太空中心及世界上最大的医疗中心。 近年来在艾伯特州长之治理下, 是非常少数在财政上还有盈餘的州政府。

我们非常支持德州向全世界招商之行动, 尤其足是亚太地区视美国是首选 ,州长此次出访必然会有丰硕之成果。

Governor Abbott Will Visit India

In order to promote investments  from around the world into Texas, Governor Abbott will visit India this weekend. The governor said that Texas and India have a very long-time political and economic relationship. He expressed his hope to continue to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. 

Many political observers have pointed out that Governor Abbott is very likely to become Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election. Trump has highly praised Abbott’s achievements in Texas. 

Texas is known to have the eighth largest economy in the world. We have vast reserves of oil and the world's largest medical center and a growing hi-tech industry. Texas is also only one of a few states that still have an economic surplus.

We are very supportive of the governor’s move to attract more investment from all over the world into Texas. The governor’s visit should surely bring fruitful results.