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社评0126 欢迎检察总长奥克女士到访

社评0126  欢迎检察总长奥克女士到访


赫里斯郡检察长奥克女士於週三下午前来美南新闻总部参访并接受了美南电视之採访, 她对於华亚裔国际社区之治安表示高度重视。

已经连任近八年的司法最高首长, 在起诉反贪案件曾经有辉煌之成绩 ,并极力加强处理囤积之许多案件。

奥克检察长在电视访谈中表示, 她曾经起诉过许多重大案件, 把罪犯繫之以法。

治安是我们社区目前最重大之社会和经济问题, 新任市长惠特迈也以加强整顿治安当為第一要务, 而检察长也需要稹极配合办案。

国际区在治安方面也加强应用摄相头等高科技设施,在区内设有四十多臺摄影机 ,增加了许多破案之机会。

奥克检查总长已经决定在国际区举办社区里民大会, 加强和市民之交流,听取大家之意见。

We Welcomed Harris County DA 

Kim Ogg's Visit To Our TV Station

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg visited the headquarters of Southern News Group on Wednesday and was interviewed by our TV station's news reporter.

In 2020, DA Ogg was re-elected to a second term by a margin of more than 120,000 votes. Under her leadership, the Harris County District Attorney’s office has been dedicated to community safety through evidence-based prosecutions and equal justice for all.

Public safety is the most important social and economic issue in our community today. Houston's new mayor John Whitmire has also made strengthening public security as his first priority. 

Last year the International  District installed many security cameras to help to solve several crime cases.

DA Ogg promised to host community town hall meetings in order to strengthen communication with the public and to listen to everyone’s opinions. 

We are very happy that DA Ogg visited our area in an effort to help our community face the big challenges we are all facing. She also was given a tour of our TV station and digital press room.