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社评 0129 德州向联邦挑战

社评 0129   德州向联邦挑战


德州国民兵拒不服从联邦高等法院和联邦政府之命令, 反而继续设置更多之边境铁丝网,并且和联邦巡逻队继续对峙, 这已经造成国内严重的政治危机。

前总统川普并且讃扬德州州长艾伯特之行动非常正确, 如果他再度入主白宫将会立即派兵支援。 据说一个有二千人的民间组织, 今明两天即将到达美墨边境参加阻止非法移民进入美国之行动。

我们绝不愿见到紧张情势造成人员之伤亡,我们号称世界上民主国家之领袖, 真是让世界在看笑话。

移民问题是政府长期无法解决之大事, 基本上全世界之难民都想要往美国跑, 而美墨冗长之边界无法阻止大批之人潮, 徳州政府对此也束手无策。 

从政治选举而言, 对非法入境之人员是个非常热门之议题, 其中包括人道主义、 善待弱势、争取选票、 经济负担, 更重要的是选票。

我们眼看那些老弱妇孺及大批年青人奋不顾身地要逃到美国 ,心中也有几分同情, 但是这的确是目前美国之负担。

Texas Challenges The Federal Government

The Texas National Guard has refused to obey the orders of the  high court, openly disobeying the mandate of the federal government. Instead, they continue to set up more barbed wire in a park area at the border that poses a direct confrontation with federal patrols. This has caused a serious political crisis for the country. 

Former President Trump praised Texas Governor Abbott’s action  saying that if he returns to the White House, he will send in federal troops to support him. More than 2,000 people with several civic organizations will be arriving today to participate in activities aimed at the preventing of illegal immigrants from attempting to cross the border. 

The standoff between the federal and local governments is really a joke. The U.S. as the leader among democratic countries of the world has faced this issue for a long time. Yet, we still can’t solve the problem through the Democrat and Republican parties.

We have sympathy for all those people who want to come into America as refugees, but we also have many of our own internal problems and we cannot accept them or take care of them. 

We really don’t want this problem to become so political of an issue in this election year, but we still need to come to a conclusion on a solution.