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社评0206 龙年新春贺词

社评0206    龙年新春贺词


今天我们在美国德州休斯敦国际区美南新闻世界总部向全世界的华人同胞们拜年 !

祝福大家事业蒸蒸日上,开啟𤌴烂的人生旅程 ;




过去一年来,世界局势仍然在一片混乱之中 ,许多难民流离失所 ,成千成万的无辜平民死於战乱之中 。我们大家都期盼战争早日过去 ,还给世界一个和平的天地。

( 图片来源:路透)

New Year’s Greeting In The Year Of The Dragon

Today we are here with a warm New Year's greeting to all of our readers all over the world from the Southern News Group world headquarters in the International District in Houston,Texas. 

I hope that everyone will have a very prosperous new year with new beginnings and with many wonderful journeys ahead. 

We wish you all the best in vibrant and energetic health that will keep you full of energy every day. 

May your heart be filled with joy and hope for the light of love in all the days of the new year. 

We wish that all of your good dreams will come true in the year of the Dragon and bring you good luck and good fortune.

Over the last year, the world has fallen into chaos. Many refugees from many countries have been displaced. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians have died in the war and many are on the brink of starvation.

We all hope that the war will be over as soon as possible and bring the world back to peaceful days.