社评0210 休斯敦是全球耀眼之大城

美南集团本週六在德外休斯敦举办之第二十八届国际农暦新年游园会及第一届国际工商大展 ,将為休斯敦走进世界尽份力量。
我们非常兴奋和感谢新任市长惠特迈对此次活动之大力支持,并亲临主持剪綵, 他认為对於推动国际活动有助於促进对休斯敦经济之繁荣。
今天打开世界地图, 强大之经济实力德州排列世界第八位。 我们不但有极丰富之石油、天然气资源,而且在太空及医疗也领先全球, 并且土地宽阔, 投资机会是全美之冠。
去年九月, 国际贸易中心组团先后访问了马来西亚、 新加坡及台湾等地, 我们深知世界各地人士皆希望前来美国投资创业, 尤其对休斯敦更感兴趣。 因此我们正在筹组德州休斯敦投资博览会, 希望得到市长及市政府之协助, 早日促成此一有意义之工商活动。
Houston Is The Most Dazzling City In The World
We have successfully hosted the 28th Annual International Lunar New Year Festival and the First Annual Houston International Expo In Houston.
We are so excited and grateful to our new Mayor of Houston John Whitmire who has strongly supported our event. The mayor said that he also believes that, "The promoting of international affairs will greatly benefit our economy."
When you open the world map today, Texas ranks as the eighth largest economy in the world. We not only are extremely rich in oil and gas resources, but we also lead the world in space science and medical care. With the vast available lands in the state, there are unlimited investment opportunities.
Last September I lead an overseas delegation and visited many Asian countries. A lot of them are very interested in coming to Houston and learning more about the opportunities here. Therefore, we are planning to host an even larger expo at the end of this year to attract more people to come to Houston. We believe that this expo will bring more business and cultural exchanges to the region.