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社评0212 我们是一张多元族裔之面孔

社评0212  我们是一张多元族裔之面孔


第二十八届国际农歷新年游园会之开幕仪式上, 休斯敦市长惠德迈非常兴奋地说:“ 今天的大会来自各族裔国际社区之群眾, 正是一张代表我们多元族裔之面孔, 这也是我们多年来努力促进族群和谐和经济繁荣之最大成就。”

本年之大会由各族裔社区代表参加了整天之文艺表演,文化食品摊位及市长、 国会议员、 市议员 、州议员各国总领事及群眾近万人参加, 是歴届最盛大之全市文化活动之一。

多年来我们在这块土地上落地生根, 我们来自世界各角落, 為了追求更幸福之生活, 共同打拼 ,今天我们看见了不同族裔之人士面带笑容参加了游园大会, 足分表现了我们国际社区之和谐。

新上任之市长对於促进各族裔之和谐也特别重视, 他始终认為那些对华亚裔之歧视法案是极不公平而且是违宪的, 他希望今后在市府中能召募更多优秀之公务员参加市政工作。

今天的大会正充分说明我们对这片土地之热爱更要相互扶持团体, 来争取自己的权益。

在此感谢大家之支持, 这份荣耀归於大家之共同努力和奉献。

We Are The Face Of Diversity 

At the opening ceremony of the 28th International Lunar New Year Festival, Mayor John Whitmire very strongly and emphatically said that, "Today's audience comes from all races and ethnic communities and this represents the true face of our city." This also represents the greatest achievement of our efforts to promote harmony and economic prosperity over the years.

The event was attended by all the ethnic communities who joined in the all day cultural and artistic performances with the mayor, congressman, state representative, city council members and nearly 10,000 participants. It was one of the largest cultural activities ever held the city. 

Over the years, we have taken root in this land. We came from all over the world to pursue a better life. We are a group of hard-working people who together have helped to build this country. 

Today we saw a lot of smiling faces and we now are all united like a members of a large family. No matter what kind of challenge we may face, we need to be united together in the fight for our future.