美国新冠疫情日记5/30 Our Backyard Is On Fire

Our Backyard Is On Fire
Protests spread across the U.S. over George Floyd’s death, the unarmed black man who was pinned to the ground by the knee of a white officer and ultimately died. The fired police officer, responsible for the man’s death, Derek Chauvin, has been arrested and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of Floyd.
Protests erupted in cities across America and turned violent as demonstrators clashed with the police and set fires. In many cases, the demonstrators looted many of the nearby stores including the offices of CNN headquarters in Atlanta. Mayor Keisha Bottoms urged the protestors to be calm. In Houston, Mayor Turner said in a news conference that Houston is the home of George Floyd. There is much real pain in our city because of the way he died and people want to express their feelings and lift up his name.
Today, Floyd’s case really represents a huge social problem in our society. In the last 70 years or more since the end of WWII, hundreds of thousands of new immigrants have come to America looking for the American Dream. Many talented people brought their families and settled down here and became U.S. citizens. This is the main reason all of us have worked to build this country and make it a super power, not just politically, but also economically.
In the past several decades, many African-Americans and minority groups still were not given equal opportunity in education or economically. Many years later, the gap between the rich and the poor just got wider.
Today, the Trump administration announced the America First policy. We are starting to withdraw from many international organizations including WHO. And the issue in Hong Kong has now become a huge conflict between the U.S. and China.
As this pandemic continues to attack our land, the whole economy is crumbling. We really need a leader who can lead us to a brighter future.
There are more than twenty million Asian Americans in this country. Most of us came here after the end of WWII. We settled down here as our permanent home. Today, as we see the country facing our biggest challenge, we need to join hand-to-hand to help our neighbors, our community and our country.
Let us pray - God bless America.
乔治佛洛伊德被警察虐死事件昨晚在全美各大城市激起多处之游行,并造成许多掳抢商家及縦火事件,包括亚特兰大CNN 总部都被攻击, 造成两人丧生之不幸,该市女市长波顿斯呼吁大家保持冷静,要学习金恩博士之精神,决不可抢劫商家縦火洩怒,休斯敦市长唐纳在会上紧急要求示威者不要破坏公物,他深切了解示威者之忿怒,但是全体市民是无辜的,昨晚警方已经逮捕了二百多名示威者。
自二次大战结束以来,过去七十年是美国领导世界的时代,各国精英都千方百计奔向美国,由于宽松之移民政策,每年有数以百万计之非法或合法之移民来到此地, 为美利坚共和国创造了第一强国和世界警察的地位。我们是一个人人有机会出人头地的国家,不幸的是,生活在底层社会之少数族裔,因经济条件等诸多原因,无法接受良好之教育,大多数更靠政府救济,久而久之 ,社会上贫富悬殊越来越大,公共财富分配不均,失业人口严重,当然会导致社会问题。
最近美国已经正式宣布退出国际卫生组织及世界太空条约组织,由于川普总统之美国优先政策, 世界政治及经济格局已在锐变之中,香港问题让美中两国面临前所未见的挑战,新冠疫情造成世界毁灭性的灾难, 让全球经济有大衰退之危险 ,总而言之 ,我们需要有能力及智慧的政治人物来重整世界秩序,挽救人类之文明。
今天我们有超过两千多万居住在此的华亚裔国民,许多人皆因战乱贫穷来到美洲大陆追求美国梦,我们要深切体认到落叶生根的重要性,换言之,只有积极关怀社会,服务社区, 参与政治, 是我们的义务更是我们的权力。