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社评 0213 几句心裡的话

社评 0213  几句心裡的话


上週六在迎接龙年新春大会上, 我和休斯敦市长惠特迈市长及二十多位政要及各族裔领袖站在表演舞台, 為大会之红色綵带剪綵。台下一阵掌声和欢呼, 我在致开幕词中说, 这是一次族群国际大家庭之大团圆, 显示我们这𠆤多元族裔之城市正向前迈进。 市长更从高分贝之口吻表示, 这就是我们城市之面孔, 并自称自己是精神旺盛之龙市长。

诚然过去二十八年来, 美南新闻不论刮风下雨, 我们都在春节时举办庆祝活动, 从未间断 。我们始终相信在海外传承中华文化是我们之职责 ,更是传媒事业之重大使命。

今天我们又生活在动乱不安之世界环境, 美国国内政经变动令人难予预测, 我们必须大家抱团取暖, 相互扶持关怀和支援, 决不能让政客来分化社区之团结。

新春游园会上我们观赏了各族社区之表演, 墨西歌手引领市长进入贵宾室, 舞龙舞狮队伍在现埸欢迎政要及社区领袖,大家都笑顏常开 ,互道恭喜, 為巨大之会场带来欢笑和掌声。

多少年过去了, 母亲在我十岁时就鼓励我在沙土飞扬之操场上登台演说, 𠒇时之记忆仍然清晰, 如今我能再度登上了讲台, 面对广大之群眾, 想到已逝去的母亲, 心中再次激起思念之情, 母亲这支推手, 是我人生之指南。

 A Few Words From My Heart

Last Saturday at the Lunar New Year Festival to welcome the Year of the Dragon, I stood on the stage with Mayor Whitmire and many elected officials and community leaders and as we cut the ribbon opening the event,  there was a burst of applause and cheers from the audience. In my opening speech I said that, "This is a family reunion of the international family of all ethnic groups. It shows that our multi-ethnic city is moving forward." Mayor Whitmire even called himself the 'Dragon Mayor' and said that, "This is the face of our city."

It is true that in the last 28 years,  regardless of wind or rain, we have always held our annual celebration during the spring festival time. We have always believed that it is our responsibility to inherit and honor our overseas culture while moving forward in the modern age with our major mission of making a positive impact in the media industry.

At Saturday's event, we closely watched the performances of  the various ethnic groups. The Mariachi and Dragon dancers  led the Mayor to the stage and everyone was smiling and congratulating each other. This brought big waves of laughter and applause to the huge and colorful venue.

Now, many years have passed  since I was a young boy. When I was ten-years-old, my mom encouraged me to give a speech on a sandy playground. That memory is still very clear to me today. I came on stage again this past week at the Lunar New Year Festival and I really missed my mom and her wise guidance for my life. But now it seems that my mom's guidance has really served me well.