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社评 0219 爵士音符唱出之乡愁

社评 0219 爵士音符唱出之乡愁


中国当代着名爵士音乐家孔宏伟(金佛)二月十六日晚在休斯敦以其爵士和传统之音符震撼了在座之海外游子, 為余光中教授之乡愁作了最动人之激盪和交流。

这位才华洋溢之作曲演奏家其作品将大气的中华民族传统溶入西方爵士音符之中, 这场音乐无国界之演奏, 是我多年来难得一见的中美文化共容之塲景。

余光中教授在乡愁一文中说: 乡愁是一枚小小的邮票,我在这头,. 母亲在那头。 长大后, 乡愁是一张窄窄的船票,我在这头,新娘在那头。 后来啊,乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓, 我在外头,母亲在里头。

 这首短文在孔宏伟大师弹出之钢琴声中显得哀愁和动人,我常想,这个世界真被许多政客之私慾弄坏了,平民百姓间之善良和平都已荡然无存, 存在的只有战火、 仇恨和怒火。

今天我们多少人流落异乡, 在不同之道路上打拼, 这份乡愁是永远埋在心头, 金佛先生之音乐让我们异乡客再次掀起了乡愁。

 The Nostalgia Of Jazz Notes

Kong Hongwei (Jinho), a famous contemporary Chinese jazz musician, shocked the audience in Houston with his jazz and traditional notes on the evening of February 16 and created a most touching and  exciting exchange for Profesor Yu Guangzhong’s article, 'Homesickness.'

This talented composer’s works integrate the atmospheric Chinese musical impressions into western jazz notes. This performance of 'Music Without Borders' is a most rare experience of Chinese and American culture that I have seen 

for many years. 

Profesor Yu said in his article, “When I was child, homesickness was a small stamp. I was here with my mom and was there when I grew up. Homesickness was a narrow boat ticket. I was here with my bride at the other side. Later, homesickness was a short grave. I was outside. My mother was inside."

I often think about this world that

is manipulated by many politicians. The common kindness and peaceful coexistance between common people have disappeared. There is only war, hatred and anger. 

Today, even as we are here in America, this homesickness still is buried in our hearts. Mr. Jinho has brought the touching music to all of us with a moment of healing.