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社评 0222 迎春杂感

社评 0222  迎春杂感


今晨迎来𤌴烂之阳光, 春天真的来了, 带来了温暖和希望, 迎接新的开始和可能 ,在此美好之时刻, 让我们互勉和祝福。百年来我们离乡背井,远走他乡, 主要是我们国家之穷困和战乱, 上一代之父母辈是最辛苦的一群, 刚从满清帝制结束建立民国而又受日本侵畧, 受尽屈辱和灾难。

每年初春, 我们都会到许多老人中心向他们拜年送红包, 这份小小的温情是我最愿意去做的事,当他们脸上洋溢着笑容, 意识到藏在内心一份微小之关懐和敬意。我自己的双亲早已离去, 当他们在世时经常提起家乡之幼𠒇事,那份乡愁,正如余光中教授所说是时代所造成的。今天我们生活在块土地上, 由於政客之操弄和民粹意识之嚣张, 我们必须相互关心, 团结在一起, 应对一切之挑战。

Spring With Mixed Feelings

This morning ushered in the bright sunshine. Spring is really coming.   

It brings warmth and hope and welcomes new beginnings with new possibilities. Let’s encourage and bless each other at this beautiful moment. 

Over the past one hundred years we have left our hometowns and we are far away from home. It is now mainly a part of the past and a memory of our country. The parents of previous generations were the hardest group. They had just ended the imperial system of the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic and suffered  from the Japanese invasion and suffered all the humiliation and disaster that was the result.

Every early spring we go to many senior centers to send them red envelopes. This little warmth is what I am most willing to do. When their faces are full of smiling, there is true care and respect for them 

My parent have already left. When they were alive, they often mentioned the childhood of our hometown. 

Today we live in this land and we need to stay united and care for each to meet all the challenges together.