社评0228 我们决心办好首届德州休斯敦国际投资博览会

二十多位休斯敦国际工商界领袖今午聚集在美南电视环球剧场举行第一次休斯敦国际投资博览会筹备会议, 共同商讨如何辧好这次具有划时代意义之招商大会。
德州休斯敦是全美第四大城, 德州全州之產值是全球之第十二位,也位居全美第二名。尤其是能源 、太空、 医疗乃是全世界重要之地位。
刚上任未满百日之市长惠特曼对於国际招商及交流特别重视,為了配合市政府之政策, 美南集团旗下之国际贸易中心特别发起这项国际招商及文化交流之活动。
此次大会将由五十位各界人士组成筹备大会, 主要分為三大部份, 其中包括各行业之展覧会场,各行业洽谈会及硏讨会及庆祝晚会, 将邀请德州州长、 休斯敦市长及各界政要作為主要演讲人。
為了促进休斯敦及德州之经济繁荣, 德州各级政府及美国商务部将会全力支持此次之大会,筹备处将在近期向全世界各地工商政界人士正式发出邀请函。
We Are Determined To Hold The First Houston International Expo
More than twenty Houston international businesses and community leaders gathered at the STV Global Studio on Tuesday afternoon to hold the first Houston International Expo preparatory meeting to discuss details regarding the event.
Houston, Texas, as the fourth largest city in the U.S. with a GDP that is rated twelfth in the world, especially in the areas of energy, space and medicine, holds important positions in business and culture throughout the world.
John Whitmire, our newly elected mayor who has been in office for less than 100 days, attaches special importance to international investments and exchange.
The expo will be divided into three parts including the exhibition hall, seminars and a gala. The governor and mayor have already been invited to be keynote speaker.
This event is also supported by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the SBA and all levels of local government.
A description of the expo will be ready in few days and will be sent to companies all over the world and will invite investors to come to Houston in October of this year.