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美国新冠疫情日记06/01 America In Crisis

美国新冠疫情日记06/01 America In Crisis

America In Crisis

In the last six days because of the death of George Floyd, in more than twenty-two states and in forty U.S. cities along with thousands around the world, protests have erupted in a global display of solidarity. Their anger over the killing of an unarmed black man has now spread worldwide. In London, some protestors marched to the U.S. embassy in the Nine Elms area of the city. Crowds gathering varying signs that read, “Black Lives Matter” and “Justice Can’t Wait.”

In New York City, a group of policemen knelt together with the protesters in a group to show their support. New York Mayor Bill Blasio’s daughter, Chiara, was arrested over the weekend by police and charged with illegal gathering. Mayor Blasio said in his tweet that, “structural racism haunts the lives of people of colors.”

We want to urge all the people and community leaders to stand up and tell the protesters that we all have the right to express our anger in the peaceful demonstrations, but not to loot the stores and businesses and destroy public property.

Social injustice and economic problems of this country have long been issues that have created  the gap between the rich and the poor and now it is just getting wider. The local school districts mostly are not doing very well financially. Our nation’s infrastructure greatly needs repairs that are long overdue. All of these problems are worsening by the day. 

Even though we had Obama as president of the United States and the mayors of Chicago, Atlanta, Washington DC and Houston all had African-American leadership, at the same time the real equality and opportunity were still missing. 

With the coronavirus still spreading and now with all the social unrest, this puts our nation in very great danger. We hope that all citizens will recognize that we are all in the same boat and that we cannot afford to lose our nation.

       怒火在燃烧 全国进入紧急状态

由于乔治 .佛洛伊德被虐待致死案,过去六天以来至少在二十二个州四十个城市发生大规模之暴力游行事件包括华盛顿特区在内的许多大城市都实施宵禁洛杉矶亚德兰大等地的许多商家都被人洗劫抢夺远在欧洲大陆的英国法国及德国 昨天也有大型之游行声援佛洛伊德虐死事件。 纽约市长之女儿琪拉也因非法集结被纽约警方逮捕身处白宫的川普家属也因外围之骚动而暂避于地下室, 一群纽约警察和市民同跪在广场上 表达他们对此事件之同情。



我们要强烈呼吁全国各地之社区领袖要立即站出来为这次不幸事件向国民进行游说, 破坏公共设施和抢夺商家之行为是犯法行为我们有绝对之权力表达心中之怒火但是必须在遵守法律之情况下进行。

多年来美国之整个经济结构在急速变化中在纽约金融中心操盘手及投资者和在劳工阶级之低微薪金造成贫富悬殊越来越大在华府执政者多半不识人间烟火多年来, 国家基础建设也多老旧,教育体系都交由地方政府而缺乏中央统一规划各中小学之间的水准参差不齐这些种种原因已经是冰冻三尺非一日之寒。

我们正在面临内忧外患之国家危机 全国人民都应高度警戒 大家要贡献自己力量来拯救国家 也是拯救自己之时候了。