社评0321 印第安人园区之博彩事业

位於美国路易士安那州之印第安特别行政区, 週三上午在其属地之博彩区新建大楼举行破土动工典礼。 我们应邀前往并向他们表示祝贺, 这是数十年来在此发展中之博彩业支持地方之财政和经济发展。
根据美国人口普查统计, 印第安人之贫困率在少数族裔中位居最高,其中百分之二十五都生活在贫穷线下。 由於政府食物补助多半是高糖性, 因此印第安人糖尿病病发率是全美平均之八倍以上, 由於参政及投票率不高, 在国会中之议员人数非常少, 这些都是印第安人极待努力之目标。
由於歷史之因素,近年来联邦及州政府都出臺许多优惠项目, 其中包括可以设立博彩公司 ,将其收入作為公益事业及改善民生问题之用。
然而, 我们觉得真正之解决之道还是加强教育 ,提升族人对未来前途之信心, 许多年轻人应该稹极走入社会创业来改善环境 ,而不是单靠政府之补助来解决问题。
行驶在一片森林及未开发的马路上, 我们感到这裡实在太落后了, 印第安人社区一定要急起直追。
A New Indian Reservation Hotel Is Coming
We came to Kinder, Louisiana, and attended a ground-breaking ceremony yesterday. This project will support local economic development and the gambling industry.
According to the latest survey, the poverty rate among Native American Indians is the highest in the nation
of all the ethnic minorities. Because most of the government food subsidies are high in sugar, the incidence of diabetes in Native American Indians is more than eight times the average in the United States.
Due to low political participation and low voter turnout, they only have very few representatives in the U.S. Congress.
Due to historical and political reasons, the federal and local governments have introduced many preferential projects for Native American Indians in recent years including the establishment of gambling complexes with the use of the income being planned for
the benefit of the public welfare
and the improvement of the people’s livelihoods.
However, we think the real solution is to strengthen the education system and enhance the people’s confidence in the future.
This is the first time we had ever come to the center of an Indian reservation to learn about the many aspects of their lives.