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社评0323 莫斯科音乐厅恐袭事件

社评0323 莫斯科音乐厅恐袭事件


俄罗斯安全部门週五宣布,在莫斯科近郊的克罗库斯音乐大厅週五发生恐佈袭击事件。 初步估计已经超过四十人死亡,而且大火还在燃烧中, ISIS 恐怖组织已经承认是他们干的。

当人群正在观赏俄罗斯着名摇滚乐团「野餐」时, 几名持枪歹徒持着步枪戴有帽子向群眾开枪射击, 并在大厅内纵火, 这是二十年来俄罗斯发生最严重的恐佈攻击事件。

此事发生在普丁总统在几天前再度高度当选為总统后不久, 正说明国内某些反对势力向当局之挑战。

我们对於目前动乱之国内外情势深表忧虑, 许多恐佈份子不断在各地继续施暴 ,造成平民百姓之伤亡。

世界需要英明之领袖人物来领导, 如果无法解决问题, 将会使悲剧不断上演。

 ISIS Claims Responsibility For 

Attack On Moscow Concert Venue 

ISIS has claimed responsibility for 

an attack on a concert venue near Moscow on Friday night. The attack killed 133 people and left more than 100 wounded after gunmen opened fire at the crowd before the performance had even begun.

Moscow Mayor Sobyanian called the attack a “terrible tragedy” and gave an order to provide all necessary assistance to everyone who suffered during the incident. 

Russian President Putin was informed about the attack shortly after it began. The U.S. Embassy      in Moscow said that it had been aware of reports of ongoing terrorist activity. Ukraine, embroiled in the ongoing war with Russia for more than two years now, denied having any involvement at all in the attack. 

It is very regrettable that this senseless tragedy has caused        the deaths of so many innocent people and has not served any  visible purpose