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社评 0327 春意正隆 杜娟花已渐谢

社评 0327  春意正隆 杜娟花已渐谢

春意正隆 杜娟花已渐谢

上两週在后院及周边社区之杜娟花盛开了, 似一片粉红之花海 ,然而本週艷花渐谢去, 不过三週时光, 令人惊嘆艷丽花瓣何其短暂!

当今世界局势一片混乱, 俄乌战事未歇, 中东以色列对加萨走廊之强烈攻势未减, 莫斯科近郊又发生恐攻事件, 南海 、台海纠纷不断, 人心惶惶, 死伤无数。

大自然在週而復始, 地球上之不断开发, 造成严重之气候变迁, 近年来各地风灾洪水之患 ,更有野火吞噬大地。

我们感慨光阴易逝 ,人生数十寒暑, 我们大家必须乐观看待人生,更要把握今朝, 花谢后有再生之时, 但时光确一去不返。

大家共同珍惜, 你的亲友, 同伴及所有关懐的人, 希望世界和平早日到来。

Spring Is In Full Bloom And The

Azaleas Have Gradually Faded

Over the last few weeks, the Azaleas  in the backyard and surrounding communities have flooded the area like a sea of pink flowers. However, the flowers are fading away this week. How short-lived are the beautiful petals. 

Today’s world situation is in chaos. The war between Russia and Ukraine has not stopped. Israel’s strong offensive against the Gaza corridor  in the Middle East has not been reduced. Now there are terrorists incidents happening in the suburbs of Moscow from outside forces and the continuous disputes in the South China Sea never end.

Because of climate change, in recent years there have been unexpected and unseasonal disasters and floods appearing all over the globe. 

We sigh that time is so fleeting. But we all must continue to look at life optimistically and grasp the present. 

Let’s cherish our relatives, friends and companions and the people who you care for and who care for you. We all hope world peace will come soon.