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社评 0403 清明时节 大地哭泣

社评 0403   清明时节 大地哭泣

清明时节 大地哭泣

清明节是华人传统节日,每逢此时我们用以纪念祖先及亡者,献上祭品鲜花, 希望祖先泉下安乐, 祭拜先人是每年阳暦四月五日,同时也是蒋中正逝世纪念日。

清明时节也是我们共同慎终追远之意义, 集合家人和朋友到墓前扫墓之外还可踏青和大自然相近。

多年来生活在海外之华人, 许多地区仍沿袭非常传统之美德, 对於清明节非常重视。

我们看见国民党前主席马英九此时在大陆访问并参加黄陵祭祖大典, 是发扬中华传统文化之象徵。

今晨台湾花莲発生七点三级之大地震 ,伤亡情形正在统计中, 我们表示十分之关切。 

世事多变, 地球正在遭遇前所未有之挑战, 值此灾难频传之时,我们只是祈求上天保佑, 国泰民安。


Tomb-Sweeping Day    As The Earth Cries

At this season of the year, all of the Chinese around the world dedicate our time to commemorate our ancestors and sweep out their tombs. In this way we hope that they will be happy under the tomb. This day of April 5th is also a day off to commemorate the anniversary of Chiang Kai-sheik’s death. 

This day also is the day we gather our family and friends together to sweep the tombs and go on an outing and be close to nature. 

Chinese people who have relocated to live overseas still maintain their very traditional virtues. They attach great importance to the Tomb-Sweeping Day. 

We saw that former Chairman          of the KMT Ma Ying-jeou visited   

the mainland at this time and participated in the Ching Ming Ancestor Festival which is a symbol of promoting traditional Chinese culture. 

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred this morning in Taiwan. 

The casualties are still being counted. We are very concerned. 

The whole globe is changing in these days. On this particular day, we first must pray for everyone to be safe.