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社评 0408 筹办「首届德州休斯敦国际博覧会」之特殊意义

社评 0408 筹办「首届德州休斯敦国际博覧会」之特殊意义


非常荣幸今天上午再次邀约前休斯敦大商会会长莫士礼蒞临, 讨论如何办好这场国际盛会, 希望对休斯敦及德州经贸文化之发展贡献薄力。

二十二年来, 随着国际贸易中心之成立 ,给予美南新闻和我自己开拓了走进国际外交舞台之途径。 二十年来我们曾经和莱斯大学贝克中心举办过多次非洲及世界性之工商文化高峯会, 接待过美国总统克林顿及几内亚总统肯第及前交通部长赵小兰等各国高级政府官员之来访,并且有幸被任命為西非几内亚驻德州之名誉总领事,忝為休斯敦外交领事团之一员, 也是我毕生能成為外交代表之极大荣誉。

今天我们成為这个国家华亚裔族群之一个份子, 我们要竭力办好首届德州休斯敦博覧会,在我们多年来成功经营的新闻媒体、 国际贸易文化中心及环球第一银行金融中心之平台上发扬和主流政府工商界之良好关係, 我们对大会之成功抱有充分之信心。

特别感谢莫士礼会长之大力支持和鼓励, 国会议员格林、 希拉积克逊李、 市长惠持曼、 联邦商务部及中小商业局皆将共同参与 ,期盼十月三十日在休斯敦之一场盛会。

The Special Significance Of The Inaugural Houston International Expo

The Inaugural Houston International Expo in Texas holds a special significance as it provides a crucial platform to foster the economic trade and cultural development of Houston and the state of Texas.   

Over the past several decades, Houston has emerged as an important city in the southern United States serving as a hub for international trade and a gateway to the global diplomatic stage. This expo will further expand Houston’s influence on the international scene showcasing its cultural charm and economic prowess. 

As a member of the Asian-American community, organizing this expo aims to incorporate and utilize our past successful experience of strengthening government-business relationships through platforms such as media, international trade, cultural centers and financial hubs and will layout and insure a solid foundation for the success of the event. 

Mayor John Whitmire, Congressman Al Green, former President of the Greater Houston Partnership Jeff Moseley, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the SBA and leaders from the political and business sectors will elevate this event to a significant milestone contributing to the overall development of Houston and Texas in the global arena.